Soiling Myself
So the Townie Farmer is back.
And this time I mean business.

It’s been some time since I totally ballsed up, got carried away by the modern obsession that is “being busy” and neglected to keep my blog up and running.
But I’ve been elbow deep in organic compost all the time I’ve been away…
Making loads of mistakes still, but somehow managing to grow vegetables and rear livestock and learning every day.

Lockdown got me thinking and has turned me a bit evangelical.
So here is the new look Townie Farmer.
I’m back to bang on about the benefits of organic home growing and rearing.

But the change isn’t just a new fetching snap of me in my smalls up at the top of this page.
The Townie Farmer is getting a bit more ambitious and I now want to start spreading the soil love.

So on here you will now find (hopefully) helpful videos and instructions on how to start getting dirt under your nails and living the good life yourself.
I’m going to help initiate you into a world in which I still feel like a total numpty, but in which I now have some experience under my belt.
If, like me, you have no bloody idea what on earth a perennial actually is…
And you find gardening programmes unfathomably dull…
Then step this way my friend.

I will show you how to have the enormous satisfaction of growing your own food, without wafting around a rose garden or speaking an alien language.
The thing is, EVERYONE can grow their own food.
Whether you’re lucky enough to have a garden or you just have a tiny window shelf, you can grow stuff to eat.
And it will connect you to your food and wellbeing like nothing else.
Even just growing a few salad leaves (which I promise is absolutely laughably easy) will help transform your health and your happiness.

It’s been two years since my last post on the Townie Farmer.
Two years since an over enthusiastic tech type accidentally deleted this website and I was told there was no hope of retrieving it.
But having found my old content in the online ether and had some time in lockdown to really think about what I’m going to do next…
I’m in the process of putting my old articles back together on this new look gaff and dusting off my telly hat to make video content for your viewing pleasure.

So get yourself an old pot and some compost, for heavens sake please subscribe so I feel vaguely popular and let’s do this.
I can’t wait to drag you through the mud.